Saturday 1 October 2011


It is said that,
" Time is money"
Time is a very important element in our lives. Our whole life depends on and revolves around chasing it. Most of the time we try to cap it and it moves ahead, sometimes the quantity and the load of work is
bigger to fit into a specified time limit.
Time becomes more useful and helpful to succed in our lives when we learn the art of " Time Mangement". It helps us not to waste our time and utilize it as much as we can to obtain the maximum benefit out of it. Because it is said that,
" Lost time can never be recovered"
If we look around ourselves everything in this plannet follows a proper schedule. For example, look at the sun, it rises and sets in on its specified time, also so many other things we have which follow a fixed pattern regularly.So when everything is so much relying and working according to time, so we must also take care of such a precious thing.
Time mangement helps us in getting organized in such a way that wwe can easily do our given tasks, without delaying. This can help anyone in any field, in which one is working. We know that we are living in a world which don't guarantee us a permanent life so that if we waste it, it will have no affect or we may get another chance, But the reality is we have a limited life, which demands us to utilize our time in a good manner and positively without wasting it.
As it is said that,
"Those who waste time, Time was them"

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